The Combined Federal Campaign
Bless the Children's Mission is to free abandoned and impoverished children from the chains of poverty by empowering them with health, shelter, educational and spiritual support so that they may become productive members of their society.

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Material Aid
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Programs > Material Aid

Material Aid

Over the past 21 years Bless the Children has shipped hundreds of millions of dollars worth of humanitarian aid to the people in most need of assistance.  We are able to accomplish this by working with our dedicated volunteer groups and our professional humanitarian aid partners.  Donations such as food, wheelchairs, hospital beds, surgical equipment and medical supplies, school desks and school supplies are saving and changing countless lives of vulnerable children and their communities.

We have shipped material aid to:

  • Orphanages for handicapped and abandoned children
  • Ill-equipped hospitals and emergency medical clinics
  • Schools for the blind and seeing impaired
  • Ill-equipped schools in deeply impoverished countries
  • Infant nutrition programs and eldercare facilities

From the desolate cold of the former Soviet Union to the jungles of South America, to the Appalachian poor and reservation-bound Indians here in America, aid from Bless the Children is reserved for the poorest of the poor.  Most shipments have been distributed in areas where no other humanitarian aid is being received.

Medical Equipment and Supplies

Ongoing technological advances in medical science have rendered a great deal of perfectly functional medical equipment obsolete to hospitals in the developing world.  These "useless" materials often end up stacked away in warehouses, or tossed into dumpsters for disposal.

While this excess inventory is considered an expense for hospitals and medical suppliers, its value to the crippled child in an impoverished orphanage is inestimable.  With the help of our Partners in Caring Bless the Children provides a way for hospitals to turn unwanted surplus into life-saving aid.

School Furniture

In the United States hundreds of thousands of schools desks and other furniture are discarded into landfills every year.  School closings, furniture upgrades and new schools all cause millions of pounds of good, usable furniture to be discarded.  In poor countries children sit on the ground or on the floors of little school rooms.

Bless the Children works hard to help provide children everything they need to receive a quality education.  We have shipped hundreds of containers of school desks, teacher desks, file cabinets, tables and chairs to poor countries.  Click here for photos.

Delivery and Distribution

Bless the Children has developed a well-tested network of partners - both private individuals and public institutions - who share our common goal.  As a result, the container loads shipped by Bless the Children are sure to reach their intended destinations...and to the poor who so desperately need help.

Upon their arrival in impoverished areas, the goods are distributed by Bless the Children volunteers, staff and designated officials such as representatives from the ministry of health, physicians, and school and hospital administrators.

Finally, equipment and supplies find a new home where it can be immediately put to good use.  Healthcare professionals receive the supplies they so desperately require; schools receive the means to educate their children.  And most important, children who once had no hope for a brighter future radiate joy as they come to know that their lives do matter...that someone does care.

While many millions of dollars worth of material relief goods have been donated, shipped and distributed throughout the years, Bless the Children is always hampered by financial constraints.  These goods which are donated to Bless the Children are material in form, they do not provide funding for our programs.  The staff has been extremely resourceful, funding daily operations on a small budget. 


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©2007-2025 Bless the Children, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Bless the Children, Inc. is a 501C3 nonprofit corporation registered with the State of Virginia, approved by the Virginia and Florida Departments of Consumer Affairs, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the United Way National/International Combined Federal Campaign (CFC/Unaffiliated agencies #10016). Gifts are tax-deductible as provided by law.