Child Sponsorship - Nicaragua

Mariana and Rosario live in Nicaragua. They are cousins. Rosario has a sponsor and is going to school. She has an opportunity to escape her severe poverty. Mariana, the little girl on the right, has no opportunities without a sponsor.
Please help. On average, children in Nicaragua receive less than 5 years of education. Generation after generation of uneducated and unskilled children have no chance for a future without extreme poverty.
Your sponsorship of only $28 a month will send a child to school and give a little boy or girl a chance to break free from the misery of poverty.

Children in poverty need help. They are born into conditions they have no way to change. More than anything they want to go to school but when their parents have difficulty even buying food, attending school becomes a distant dream that can be forever out of reach. And for those children in school in Nicaragua, only ½ will complete the fifth grade because of their poverty…

Please help a child like Roman go to school.
Roman Briceño is seven years old. Roman’s mother abandoned him when he was 3 months old. He lives with his grandmother and uncles and aunts. His grandmother told us that Roman wakes up in the night crying and asking for his mother. He asks why his mother left him.
He asks his grandmother to find his mother and tell her to come home. He pleads with her and says he promises he will be a good boy.
Roman’s relatives are very poor and do not have enough food for him to be a healthy boy. He doesn’t eat regularly and when he does there is only a small portion of beans and rice. One of the reasons Roman loves to go to school is because there he receives lunch. But sometimes Roman can’t go to school because his grandmother has no money to buy his clothes and school supplies. Something as simple as buying paper and a pencil is beyond the means of Roman’s family. He has no hope for a good future without a sponsor.
Your donation of $28 each month will ensure a child like Roman is able to go to school. Please start your sponsorship today.
We will send you a photo and information about your child and throughout the year you will receive a letter from your sponsored child.

Typically one thinks an orphan is a child who has lost both parents. Due to the extraordinary poverty in many countries another kind of orphan exists - a kind most are unaware of. A multitude of children have been orphaned by abandonment due to the severe poverty of their parents. These children pictured below once lived in an environment much like Roman’s above. Now with the help of many dedicated people these children live at one of the children’s homes where Bless the Children works hard to help orphaned and abandoned children receive an education so they may break free from poverty.

Sponsor a Child:
Children who have been orphaned or abandoned are in critical need of your help to be healthy and have the opportunity to go to school. Children in severe poverty are often unable to acquire what they need to attend school and so never do. For about a dollar a day, you can give an orphaned or abandoned child a chance to escape poverty by providing him or her with many of life's basic needs — education, health care and nutritious food. Your sponsorship contribution of $336 a year or $28 per month will provide your sponsored child with what he or she needs to be healthy and to go to school.

"Thank you for your help Bless the Children."

Your donation will help poor children
receive an education.