The Combined Federal Campaign
Bless the Children's Mission is to free abandoned and impoverished children from the chains of poverty by empowering them with health, shelter, educational and spiritual support so that they may become productive members of their society.

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Sara Victoria Bujold

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Campaign Opportunities!

Your gift to Bless the Children means the difference between a hopeless life of abuse or one filled with joy, good health and all the opportunities an education can provide.  You can renew the hope of children and help them smile again.

If you are a federal employee, member of the US Armed Forces or a state employee in Florida or Virginia now is the time to support orphaned and vulnerable children through Bless the Children and your campaigns! 

Bless the Children uses these donations to help improve the lives of children in desperate circumstances.  We lift them up with programs that provide shelter, improved health, food, water and access to education.  We work hard to help children grow to be able to help themselves.  We subscribe to the view that if you teach a man to fish, he can then feed himself for a lifetime.  We invite you to go through our website to learn more about our specific programs serving children in Central America, the Caribbean, Africa and Vietnam.  We invite you to put your love into action for these children. 

Over 98% of all donations reach children in need.

Federal Employees - Combined Federal Campaign

Donate to
Bless the Children using our campaign number: # 10016.

The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) takes place each year from September through November, with a few campaigns going into December.  Most campaign areas conduct “kick-off” events where employees can pick up brochures to select the charity they wish to contribute to.  The CFC is comprised of almost 200 individual campaigns throughout the United States and overseas. Contact your local CFC office for your Charity List. Contact information can be found using this campaign locator.


Florida State Employees - Florida State Employee Campaign

Donate to Bless the Children using our campaign number: # 6002

     Campaign runs from September 2 - November 1.

Virginia State Employees - Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign

Donate to Bless the Children using our campaign number: # 3173.

     Campaign runs from October 1 - December 21.  

Private Sector Campaigns

     Campaigns are emerging throughout the country.  Check your workplace to see if it conducts an in-house charity-giving program.  Some companies will even match their employee’s donations.  



If you have questions regarding any of these campaigns, contact Rebecca at info @  We appreciate and respect our donors and are here to talk with you and to serve and help you in your goals to help children in any way we can.

There’s nothing more important in a child's life than a loving adult. 

For about 210 million children that need goes unfulfilled.  They are alone and desperate.  Some are orphaned, others abandoned and still others have escaped abusive environments.  They band together and wander the streets, scavenging for food.  They are seen as strays - a nuisance and burden to their societies.

Their only goal is survival, their dreams gone.  They are beggars and shoe polishers, some clean windshields.  They hope for a few coins, but most simply pick through garbage, desperate for a piece of food or scrap of clothing.  They sleep in parks or down in sewers, any place they might be safe through the night.  They are filthy with hacking coughs and knotted hair; many start taking drugs to numb their misery.  The oldest children take charge, trying somehow to protect the youngest…toddlers with no survival skills.

We can ask ourselves why but it is what we do that will make the difference for these castoff children who are growing up without ever feeling loved.  We can think and wonder.  We can push their fears and desperation out of our minds.  Or we can work together and show them someone cares.  You can make a lasting difference in the lives of these vulnerable children.  Together we can provide them food, shelter, a loving environment and the chance to go to school.

Serving vulnerable children for over 31 years

Over 98% of all donations reach children in need.


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©2007-2024 Bless the Children, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Bless the Children, Inc. is a 501C3 nonprofit corporation registered with the State of Virginia, approved by the Virginia and Florida Departments of Consumer Affairs, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the United Way National/International Combined Federal Campaign (CFC/Unaffiliated agencies #10016). Gifts are tax-deductible as provided by law.